
Engineering is a combination of professionalism of engineers and flexibility of managers. These are the key criteria of our team of specialists. Each project we undertake is unique, with its own needs, specific requirements, wishes, sequence of implementation, control points and much more, depending on the client, end users, business area and even the country. We know this, and for this we love our work even more.

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Creation of a new and modernization of the existing production process, creation of a well-functioning product manufacturing cycle are tasks that cannot be solved without qualified engineering consulting services. Engineering services begin with the development of the first stage of the main technical, economic and aesthetic indicators, the fulfillment of which contributes to ensuring high quality of the product. The second stage includes development of schematic diagrams, 3D-models of defining assemblies necessary for obtaining a sufficient idea of the designed product. The third stage consists in the development of a solid 3D model and the execution of technical documentation that contributes to the production of a prototype.

In most cases, the end user does not think about how a particular device functions. What matters to them is the functionality of the device and its appearance. The consumer is rarely interested in how much time and what resources are needed to manufacture the product, as well as how labor-intensive the production process is. This is certainly more of a concern to the manufacturer than to the consumer.

PDMI provides a full range of engineering and consulting services aimed at creating technical and economic projects, creating clear recommendations on the organization of production. Conventionally, engineering services can be divided into three cycles:

  • pre-project services – market and competitor research, search for optimal technical and economic solutions for the project, coordination with the customer;
  • project services – design, preparation for project realization, cost estimation, assessment of technical and production risks, project realization;
  • post-project services – operation and maintenance recommendations, supplier recommendations, production support, documentation production, etc.

The main difference between engineering and conventional design is the integrated approach to project implementation. Often, the tasks associated with project implementation require knowledge and use of high-tech solutions available on the market, as well as creation of new technologies arising in the development process.

We are not engaged in the development of master plans, engineering constructions and production conversion do not concern us. Since in this case these terms mean a set of measures for design and large-scale construction of engineering facilities. In our case we can talk about complex engineering as a set of measures for realization of the task related to the development of a specific product. In the process of development it is necessary to take into account the operating conditions of the product in order to increase rather than decrease its useful qualities, user friendliness, maintainability, the way of integrating the equipment into the process chain in the existing production, etc.


Pre-project analysis:

  • Thorough analysis of your request, idea, task
  • Analysis of the market, related offers on the market, competitors, customers in all regions
  • Searching and offering the optimal solution or solutions to choose from based on your request or idea.
  • We reach the final decision through cost calculation: development, manufacturing, implementation


  • Design in 3D of any types of structures made of metals and plastics
  • Design of electrical circuits, connection tables, wiring diagrams
  • Electronics Block Design
  • Carrying out any kind of calculations: thermal calculations, strength calculations, electromagnetic calculations
  • Development of 2D technical documentation (drawings, models for CNC machines, transfer of drawings from paper to electronic format)
  • Design of technological documentation
  • Design of operational documentation
  • Final calculation of the cost of the product
  • Selection of components and suppliers from different regions, taking into account all electrical and technical parameters
  • Selection of production sites, machines and technologies


Business Consulting

Organization Management

Product Design

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